Friday 11 December 2015

Root Rot, Blushing Bracket and more

Winter sunrise
On Wednesday 2nd December I joined the weekly conservation work party at Heyshott escarpment. Afterwards I visited Ambersham Common and found Root Rot and Turkeytail fungi. I then wandered round the woods by Burton Mill Pond and found Hairy Curtain Crust, Leopard Slugs, Root Rot, Snowy Waxcap, Birch Polypore and Blushing Bracket. Also plenty of unidentified fungi which I would appreciate ids for.

id needed
Gorse, Ulex europaeus
Jelly fungus? -  needed
lichen - id needed
Root Rot, Heterobasidion annosum
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor
Burton Mill Pond woods:
Birch Polypore, Piptoporus betulinus
Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa

Cup Lichen , Cladonia species
fungus - id needed
underside of above
fungi - id needed
underside of above
tiny fungi (4mm wide) - id needed
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum
Leopard Slugs, Limax maximus
mushroom with secondary white fungus - ids needed
Oakmoss lichen, Evernia prunastri
Root Rot, Heterobasidion annosum
Root Rot
Root Rot
Snowy Waxcap, Hygrocybe virginea
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor
Burton Mill Pond mill race
Coot at Burton Mill Pond, Fulica atra
Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus

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