Tuesday 28 July 2015

Ashdown Forest dragons and damsels

1. female Black Darter, Sympetrum danae
to view a gallery with more photos, click here
On Saturday I joined Sussex county recorder John Luck on his annual dragonfly walk at Ashdown Forest sites. He had wisely changed the trip from Sunday to Saturday due to the weather forecast and we benefited from perfect weather. We saw many of the target acid wetland species.
2. Azure Damselfly, Coenagrion puella
3. female Black Darter, Sympetrum danae
4. Brown China-mark, Elophila nymphaeata
5. Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus
7. Common Blue
9. Common Blue
10. Veneer moth and eggs, both need ids
11. grasshopper on pond
12. Inlaid Grass-veneer, Crambus pascuella
13. female Keeled Skimmer, Orthetrum coerulescens
14. male Keeled Skimmer
15. male Large Red Damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula
16. out leader on the right
17. female Raft Spider, Dolomedes fimbriatus
18. Raft Spider spiderlings
19. female Small Red Damselfly, Ceriagrion tenellum f. intermedia 
20. female Small Red Damselfly as above
21. male Small Red Damselfly
22. male Small Red Damselfly
23. male Small Red Damselfly
© Sussex Dragonfly Group Autumn newsletter
I am on the right in foreground looking at the water
photo added November 2015
Sussex Dragonfly Group website:  Sussex Dragonfly Group
Private ponds:
25. Azure Damselflies mating, Coenagrion puella
26. Azure Damselfly, Coenagrion puella
27. female Azure Damselfly
28. Blue-tailed Damselfly, female, Ischnura elegans
29. male Blue-tailed Damselfly
30. female Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura elegans f. rufescens-obsoleta
31. female Blue-tailed Damselfly as above
32. male Blue-tailed Damselfly
33. male Blue-tailed Damselfly
34. Brilliant Emerald, Somatochlora metallica
35. Cape-pondweed, Aponogeton distachyos
36. Confused Bridewort, Spiraea x pseudosalicifolia
37. either Brilliant Emerald or Downy Emerald Dragonfly
38. Duck Potato, Sagittaria latifolia
39. Duck Potato
40. male Large Red Damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula
41. Lesser Knotweed, Persicaria campanulata
42. moth larva - id needed
43. male Small Red Damselfly, Ceriagrion tenellum
44. White Water Lily, Nymphaea alba

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