Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos |
I went to Arundel WWT this morning when the sun was shining
and left in the afternoon when showers became frequent. Sue said snow had
landed briefly in Littlehampton during the afternoon. Highlights at Arundel were a Water Rail walking in front
of the Scrape hide as soon as I walked in and a Song Thrush
eating ivy berries outside the Ramsar hide. At the same hide a Little Grebe caught
fish and a Grey Wagtail walked along the lakeside at the Sand Martin hide.
Blackbird, female, Turdus merula |
Chaffinch, female, Fringilla coelebs |
Common Pochard, Aythya ferina |
Great Tit, Parus major |
Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea |
Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis |
Little Grebe with fish, Tachybaptus ruficollis |
Nuthatch, Sitta europaea |
Robin, Erithacus rubecula |
Water Rail, Rallus aquaticus |
Woodpigeon, Columba palumbus |
Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos |
afternoon clouds |
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