Saturday 28 June 2014

Ringed Plover chicks and Ecosystem Services

Ringed Plover chick, Charadrius hiaticula

On Tuesday I attended a very interesting conference at Brighton Uni: “Understanding the Benefits of Ecosystem Services”. When I got home I caught the early evening light and was delighted to find our two Ringed Plovers have survived since I photographed them as fluffy little chicks on June 2. They can fly as they proved when a dog charged excitedly after a parent which unfortunately banked towards the chicks, dragging the dog with it. The chicks then took off while I told the dog where it could go! 

The conference programme is at the end of this blog.

the parents


chick and parents
parent and chick

I found this in the hallway:
Dark Arches, Apamea monoglypha
Understanding the Benefits of Ecosystem Services”

Session Chair: Tony Whitbread, Chief Executive, Sussex Wildlife Trust

later note: transcripts of presentations now available here:

10.00 Keynote address: Dr Caroline Lucas MP

Session One: Communities harnessing Ecosystem Services

10.20: John Little, Grass Roof Company: ‘Changing social housing greenspace for the people that live there; Rethinking grounds maintenance’

10.35: Louise Beaton, Action in Rural Sussex / Aldingbourne parish: ‘Aldingbourne Neighbourhood Plan: A community led approach to improving biodiversity and tackling flood risk’

10.50: Dr Colin Tingle, Lewes & Ouse Valley eco-nomics (L&OVe), Chalking up the Benefits South Downs NIA project officer: ‘Interpreting ecosystem services to engage local people’

Session Two: Ecosystem Services and resilience
Session Chair: Chris Corrigan, South East Regional Director, RSPB

11.20: John Gower, Environment Agency. Coastal Communities 2150 INTERREG project: ‘Using computer visualisations to engage with communities in the lower river Ouse valley to prepare for long-term climate change and sea level rises

11.35: Gary Grant, Director of Green Roof Consultancy and Fellow of Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design and Rain Gardens’

11.50: Dr Mary Gearey, Brighton University: ‘Resilience and transition in response to water stress scenarios: Responses from water stakeholders at a catchment level’

2.05: Dusty Gedge, President of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations: ‘Green Roofs within a Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services Agenda’

Session Three: Policy developments / planning / economics
Session Chair: Chris Fairbrother, Landscape Strategy Lead, South Downs National Park Authority

13.30: Jonathan Porter, Technical Director, Countryscape: ‘Policy developments and implications’

13.45: Professor Alister Scott, Environment and Spatial Planning, Birmingham City University. ‘How the planning system can engage with the ecosystem approach’

14.00: Paul Morling Head of Economics, RSPB ‘New market based approaches for delivering Ecosystem Services’

14.15 Dr Ruth Waters, Head of Profession for the Ecosystem Approach, Natural England: ‘The ecosystem approach: from concept to reality

Session Four: Ecosystem services at the catchment scale
Session Chair: Dr Dawn Scott, Head of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Brighton University

14.45: Meyrick Gough, Policy and Strategy Manager, Southern Water: ‘Ecosystem Services in water resources planning’

15.00: Dr Chris Manning, South Downs National Park Authority / Rich Howorth, Biosphere Project: ‘Actions to improve groundwater quality in the Brighton chalk aquifer of the South Downs’

15.15: Henri Brocklebank, Strategy Lead – Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre, Sussex Wildlife Trust: ‘Mapping ecosystems and services – the Sussex Ecoserv project’

15.30: Dr Tom Nisbet, Forest Research. 'Slowing the flow at Pickering - Using woodland to reduce flood risk'

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