Tuesday 25 December 2012

Edward III half groat & buckle with pin and plate

On Sunday we had a club dig and some good finds were uncovered. Mine were a Edward III Silver Half Groat (1363 – 1369) and a double loop oval buckle complete with pin and gilt shield-shaped plate.
Edward III silver half groat
EDWARDVS REX AnGLI DnS & hYB (Edward King of England, Lord of Ireland)
Outer: POSVI DEUM ADIVTOREM MEUM (I have made God my helper)
Inner: CIVITAS LONDON (City of London)

weight: 2.05g, diameter: 22.44mm, thickness: 0.66mm

In 1360 the Treaty of Bretigni was signed. Edward no longer had jurisdiction over France and his claim to France was dropped from the legend of the coinage until 1369. England needed a cross Channel trading base and this was achieved by another treaty with France which enabled England to use Calais, where a mint was established. The Transitional Treaty Period groats of 1361 had the French title omitted and these coins are scarce. The mint mark in use is the cross potent (above the crown on the obverse side).

Double loop oval buckle complete with pin and shield-shaped plate, 
c1350 - 1500
weight: 9.55g, overall length: 36.6mm, buckle frame: width:26.7 length:24.4mm

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