Tuesday 7 February 2012

Golden Birdwings found

male Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus
The three sisters had a successful weekend discussing the forthcoming family poetry publication and editing each others novels. Yesterday Danuta left and Penny, Sue and I visited Arundel and  Swanscombe Lake where hungry waterfowl devoured Sue's offering of leftover rice.
Coots galore

This morning started with an blazing sunrise
I drove to the Wisley butterfly exhibit as Mark had reported that four Golden Birdwings were out in the tropical glasshouse exhibit. I photographed a male and a female.
Wisley glasshouses with ice on the pond
female Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus  
female Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus 
female Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus 
female Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus 
male Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus 
male Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus 
male Golden Birdwing, Troides rhadamantus
Two Zebra Longwings were on the loose and I was pleased to be able to follow their graceful fluttering flight for some time and grab some shots when they landed on flowers to nectar. 
Zebra Longwing, Heliconius charithonia
Zebra Longwing, Heliconius charithonia
Zebra Longwing, Heliconius charithonia
Zebra Longwing, Heliconius charithonia
Caligo memnon, Owl
Caligo memnon, Owls
Hypolimnas bolina, Eggfly male
Hypolimnas bolina, Eggfly male
Idea leuconoe, Tree Nymph
Kallima paralekta, Indian Leafwing
Kallima paralekta, Indian Leafwing
Kallima paralekta, Indian Leafwing
Kallima paralekta, Indian Leafwing
Morpho peleides, Blue Morpho
Morpho peleides, Blue Morpho
Morpho peleides, Blue Morphos mating
Papilio lowi, Asian Swallowtail
Papilio polytes, Common Mormon male
the specimen below has lobes on its tail
Papilio polytes, Common Mormon male

Papilio rumanzavia, Scarlet Swallowtail male
Papilio rumanzavia, Scarlet Swallowtail male
Papilio thoas, King Swallowtail
Papilio thoas, King Swallowtail
Papilio thoas, King Swallowtail
Parthenos sylvia, Clipper

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