Monday 15 March 2010

Visitors from faraway lands

On Friday I met Dorothy off her Denver flight at Heathrow. She has been skiing for 16 days having travelled from New Zealand. Now she is on a side trip to visit us, then Thursday we will put her on the train to Ramsgate to visit Natasha, Danielle and Nathan before heading back to New Zealand via Denver on day 3 of the BA strike. Hopefully her flight will run as normal. On Saturday Roger arrived on his way from the U.S. to South Africa to spend a day with us which. It was an Aramco reunion. Roger is planning to be back in June for a few days so we can do some more catching up then. We took them to Swanbourne Lake Saturday afternoon to stretch our legs.
On Sunday we were up early and Dorothy accompanied me to Broughton Down, Hampshire for a Weekend Wanderers dig. There was a blue sky and a cold wind. Loads of shell cases and bullets found, plus a couple of Roman and a minim. I found one 1918 penny. A beautiful bumble bee joined us for lunch. We passed a lovely bank of snowdrops in a country lane and stopped on the return journey for photos.

1 comment:

  1. Please pass my best regards to Dorothy and Paul . Tim moxey


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