Common Emerald, Hemithea aestivaria |
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The past 2 days 34 moth species have visited our balcony. A new moth appeared, Bulrush Veneer, a scarce Sussex species -we have bulrushes 1000 metres away in Mewsbrook Park. 2 other micromoths made their first appearance in the moth trap although I have seen them elsewhere: Yellow Oak Button and White Cloaked Shoot. Heart and Darts still dominate, with multiple Buff-tips, Ribald Waves and Brimstone Moths.
The close-up facility on the Olympus TG4 is called 'microscope' for a reason - it focuses up to 1cm and has a tiny depth of field so only gives reasonable results with micromoths. For the rest I am mainly using my phone. I'm exploring the possibility of investing in a new Nikon body to replace the D7100 which is currently at the repair shop awaiting spare parts.
Angle Shades, Phlogophora meticulosa |
Bee Moth, Aphomia sociella |
Brimstone Moth, Opisthograptis luteolata |
Brown House Moth, Hofmannophila pseudospretella |
Buff Ermine, Spilosoma lutea |
Buff-tip, Phalera bucephala |
Bulrush Veneer, Calamotropha paludella |
Willow Beauty, Peribatodes rhomboidaria |
Dagger species, Acronicta species |
Dark Arches, Apamea monoglypha |
Diamond-back Moth, Plutella xylostella |
False Cacao Moth, Ephestia unicolorella |
Garden Carpet, Xanthorhoe fluctuata |
Garden Grass-veneer, Chrysoteuchia culmella |
Heart and Club, Agrotis clavis |
Inlaid Grass-veneer, Crambus pascuella |
L-album Wainscot, Mythimna l-album |
Light Brown Apple Moth, Epiphyas postvittana |
Lime-speck Pug, Eupithecia centaureata |
Lobster Moth, Stauropus fagi |
Long-legged Tabby, Synaphe punctalis |
Marbled Orchard Tortrix, Hedya nubiferana |
Peppered Moth, Biston betularia |
Peppered Moth antennae
Sallow Kitten, Furcula furcula |
Sallow Kitten |
Silver Y, Autographa gamma |
Small Dusty Wave, Idaea seriata |
Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Deilephila porcellus |
Small Elephant Hawk-moth head hairs |
Small Magpie, Anania hortulata |
Vine's Rustic, Hoplodrina ambigua |
White Cloaked Shoot, Gypsonoma sociana |
Willow Beauty, Peribatodes rhomboidaria |
Yellow Oak Button, Aleimma loeflingiana |
Yellow Oak Button |
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