Clifden Nonpareil, Catocala fraxini |
27 species of moths have visited the balcony since August 28th. The prize was the rare Clifden Nonpareil which appeared overnight August 31/September 1. Last year one appeared on August 28th. A Red Underwing arrived on September 10th. Last year we had one on September 4th. The latest one has some strange black markings on one wing.
Cabbage Moth larvae like the geranium leaves on the balcony, not much left of some.
The Poplar Hawk-moth larvae are growing well. We lost about about a quarter of the original hatching, leaving around 30. At 16 days old some are 14mm long compared to their hatching length of 9mm, and are much fatter.
A walk in our local Mewsbrook Park reminded us how lovely the Art Deco shelters are.
On Saturday we attended a barbecue at Catherine & Rob's in Newbury. The front garden has a lovely buddleia which attracted Large and Small Whites, a Painted Lady and Small Tortosieshell.
I visited Kithurst meadow on August 28th, splendid views and meadow flora & fauna.
Art Deco shelter c. 1939, Mewsbrook Park |
Large White, Pieris brassicae |
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui |
Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae |
Small White, Pieris rapae |
Barred Marble, Celypha striana |
Bright-line Brown-eye, Lacanobia oleracea |
Brimstone Moth, Opisthograptis luteolata |
Cabbage Moth larva, Mamestra brassicae |
Cabbage Moth larva on our geraniums |
Clifden Nonpareil, Catocala fraxini |
Double-striped Pug, Gymnoscelis rufifasciata |
Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer, Agriphila geniculea |
False Widow Spider, Steatoda nobilis - moth enemy no 1 |
Flounced Rustic, Luperina testacea |
Flounced Rustic |
Garden Carpet, Xanthorhoe fluctuata |
Large Yellow Underwing female, Noctua pronuba |
Light Brown Apple Moth, Epiphyas postvittana |
Lime-speck Pug, Eupithecia centaureata |
Marbled Beauty, Bryophila domestica |
Narrow-winged Grey, Eudonia angustea |
Orange Swift male, Triodia sylvina |
Pale Mottled Willow, Caradrina clavipalpis |
Poplar Hawk-moth larva, Laothoe populi 16 days 14mm |
Red Underwing, Catocala nupta |
Red Underwing |
Rush Veneer, Nomophila noctuella |
Setaceous Hebrew Character, Xestia c-nigrum |
Silver Y, Autographa gamma |
Small Dusty Wave, Idaea seriata |
Square-spot Rustic, Xestia xanthographa |
The Nutmeg, Anarta trifolii |
The Uncertain, Hoplodrina octogenaria |
Twenty-plume Moth, Alucita hexadactyla |
White-point, Mythimna albipuncta |
Willow Beauty, Peribatodes rhomboidaria |
Kithurst meadow:
Common Carpet, Epirrhoe alternata |
Kithurst meadow |
Kithurst meadow |
Small Purple and Gold, Pyrausta aurata |
Small White, Pieris rapae |
Small White |
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