Monday 26 December 2016

Dippers, kingfisher, redwing and bullfinches

Dipper, Cinclus cinclus
We arrived at Danuta and Ken's in Sheffield on Thursday afternoon for our annual migration north. I visited Endcliffe Park on Friday and immediately saw a female Kingfisher, probably the one I photographed as a juvenile a couple of years ago. I then followed the Porter Brook upstream and found a Dipper, This pattern was repeated on the next four days. Today I took Sue and we watched the kingfisher catch a fish. We also saw the Redwing that has been feeding on the holly berries. Yesterday I saw a pair of dippers again at the usual place.
  This morning we visited Sunnybank Park, managed by Sheffield Wildlife Trust. It has a nice little pond which should be teeming with life in the Spring. In the garden I photographed the bullfinches which visit the feeder.
Bullfinch ♂, Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Bullfinch ♀

Dipper, Cinclus cinclus

double dippers

Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea

Grey Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis

Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea

Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis

Porter Brook

Redwing, Turdus iliacus

Sunnybank park

Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes

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