Friday 6 May 2016

Duke of Burgundy and Green Hairstreak

Duke of Burgundy ♀, Hamearis lucina
Today I met Mark Colvin at Heyshott and before we started our butterfly walk a Red Kite circled overhead. On the escarpment we saw Duke of Burgundy (males and one female), Brimstones, including one egg laying, Peacock, Green-veined White, Dingy and Grizzled Skippers, Speckled Wood, Green Hairstreaks, including a newly emerged specimen. Mark also saw an Orange-tip and a Holly Blue. I found a male Feathered Bright moth.
Red Kite, Milvus milvus

Duke of Burgundy territory

Brimstone eggs, Gonepteryx rhamni
Click beetle, Agrypnus murinus
Click beetle, Agrypnus murinus
Common Nettle-tap, Anthophila fabriciana
Cowslip, Primula veris
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages
Dingy Skipper
Dingy Skipper
Dingy Skipper
Duke of Burgundy ♀, Hamearis lucina
Duke of Burgundy ♀
Duke of Burgundy ♀
Duke of Burgundy ♀
Duke of Burgundy ♂
Duke of Burgundy ♂
Early Purple Orchid, Orchis mascula
Feathered Bright ♂, Incurvaria masculella
Flatbug, Aradus depressus
Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi

Green Hairstreak

Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae on Wood Violet
Grizzled Skipper
Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria

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