Leigh reported his sighting of a male Black Redstart on the SOS site on Thursday and Neil alerted me on Friday so I joined him for views of this unusual visitor in the Coast Café area. Unfortunately the dull conditions made photography difficult so I returned this afternoon in sunny conditions. Paul and others joined us to photograph this lovely bird. It was a challenge as it was very skittish and walkers constantly disturbed it. It flew up in the air frequently chasing insects. The female of the species is commonly seen along the south coast in winter, but males are rarer.
I caught yesterday's glorious sunset on the way home and in the evening found a Wood Mouse and bracket fungus in a woodland area.
Pied Wagtail, Motacilla alba |
Wood Mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus |
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor |
male Black Redstart, Phoenicurus ochruros
Grey Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis |