Sunday 3 February 2013

Ratty lives by Mill Road

Water Vole, Arvicola amphibius
There were no willows or wind this afternoon, but I managed to locate a Water Vole by the flooded rife by Mill Road, Arundel. I had spent the morning in Arundel WWT then walked along the main rife by Mill Road, then back along the smaller rife by the field. I spotted Ratty on the opposite bank, then he gave me show of feeding on plants which he grubbed from the bank. He disappeared into the water periodically and reappeared up the bank having travelled through a tunnel. A wonderful experience. I saw the resident Grey Wagtail near the bridge.
Ratty's habitat

Ratty's at home

Arundel Castle


  1. Great photos Colin. I saw my first water vole at Barnham Rife last year - a fantastic sight!
    Best wishes,

  2. Thanks Paul, wonderful creatures to watch.


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