Saturday 27 September 2014

York, Aramcon reunion and Hull

UK Aramcon reunion 2014
On Friday September 12 we visited Keith, Janet, Tom and Charlotte in York. It was great to see them all again. Janet cooked us a lovely evening meal. The following day we all headed to Betty’s at Harrogate for lunch, excellent as usual. In the evening we arrived at the Holiday Inn for the 2014 UK Aramcon reunion and met many friends from our expat days, some of whom we hadn’t seen for over 20 years. Simon and Heather live in York, and we called in the following morning for tea, so we plan to visit them again. The reunion was well organised as usual by Tom and Eileen Henderson with family assistance. This is the fifth and last they will organise. We attended the second one in Maidenhead, in 2008, just after we retired from Saudi Aramco.
  On Sunday we travelled to a village outside Hull to see Penny, George, Dan and Gabi. The garden was as productive as ever with grapes, apples, pears, tomatoes, marrows, chickens and other goodies. Lamb was on the menu for lunch, yummy as always. We heard all about the Fanasticon Elite SciFi Convention that Dan and Gabi organised in Hull the previous Saturday. It was a very successful event and they are planning a two day event next year. Their entrepreneurial spirit is admirable, and 3 years after launching Fantastic Books Publishing, they have built up an excellent group of authors and publishing areas with both paper and eBooks.

  We arrived back in Sheffield before dark.

Cuckoo-pint, Arum maculatum
Kidney-spot Ladybird pupal case, Chilocorus renipustulatus
Light Brown Apple Moth, Epiphyas postvittana
another Ollie


Common Frog, Rana temporaria

Ollie picking apples

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