Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta |
On Thursday I did my Mill Hill butterfly transect: 32 Adonis Blue, 1
Clouded Yellow, 30 Common Blue, 1 Gatekeeper, 2 Green-veined White, 50 Meadow
Brown, 6 Small Heath. A pair of Kestrels hunted at the top of the hill,
repeatedly landing on the ground. A series of aerial photos shows one eating on the wing.
On Friday during a visit to Arundel WWT I saw 3 Water Voles,
two of which were seen during a boat trip of the wetland area.
On Saturday afternoon I took photos of a SusSAR First Aid Course for Richard, the instructor:
On Sunday I attended a club metal detecting dig and found some buckles, a possible ancient farthing and an 1861 halfpenny.
Mill Hill:
Black slug, Arion ater |
Devil's Coach Horse, Ocypus olens |
Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus |
eating on the wing |
Straw-barred Pearl, Pyrausta despicata |
Littlehampton at midday:
murmuration of Starlings, Sturnus vulgaris |
Arundel WWT:
Bewick's Swan, Cygnus columbianus |
Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs |
Emperor Goose and gosling, Chen canagicus |
Trumpeter Swan and cygnet, Cygnus buccinator |
Water Vole, Arvicola amphibius |
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