Saturday 23 May 2015

Roosting Adonis Blues

female Adonis Blue, Polyommatus bellargus, f/16
This morning I met Mark at Mill Hill at 5:30am to photograph roosting Adonis Blues. Mark quickly found a couple of females and later a male and they were all given intensive digital treatment. In addition to my 180mm Sigma macro, I initially used a wide angle zoom lens (18-55) to try some ‘close-up wide angle’ shots, both with a Nissin MF18 ringflash.

I found two Lackey moth larvae and a Common Emerald larva which looked like a small stick attached to a bramble leaf. Some tiny Cocksfoot Moths flitted around and a Cinnabar moth appeared. The resident cuckoo called.
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus
Zoom 20mm, f/22
Zoom 26mm, f/4
Zoom 31mm, f/4
180mm f/11
180mm f/40
female Adonis Blue, Polyommatus bellargus
180mm f/40
Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna
Deadly Nightshade, f/40
Lackey moth larva, Malacosoma neustria, f/36
female Adonis Blue, flash, f/45
female Adonis Blue, ambient light, f/9
tiny Cocksfoot Moth, Glyphipterix simpliciella, 4mm long, f/45
Common Emerald larva, Hemithea aestivaria on bramble, f/45
which will become this:
Common Emerald (2013) ambient light, f/8
male Adonis Blue, f/40
male Adonis Blue, f/11
Cinnabar, Tyria jacobaeae, f/40

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