Tuesday 12 April 2011


Dingy Skipper
This morning I returned to Mill Hill for more adder activity. I was fortunate to once again witness the behaviours I had seen yesterday - two male black adders performing a dominance 'dance' and two adders mating. I was also able to confirm that there are at least five adders moving along the bottom of the hill - two black, two white and a brown. Every time I walked along the bottom of the hill I saw at least one adder working its way along the shrub line. Grizzled and Dingy Skippers, Peacocks, Brimstones and Whites were also out. 
movie of two male black adders performing a dominance 'dance'

movie of black adder moving

Dingy Skipper
Pyrausta nigrata moth
brown female and black male mating

movie of these adders mating

Dingy Skipper

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