Curlew, Numenius arquata |
Yesterday I visited Pagham Harbour and
walked from Church Lane along the North Wall where I saw Teal, Brent Geese, a Redshank, a Little
Egret, a Grey Heron, a Curlew plus large numbers of Wigeon. I carried on to Halsey’s
Farm where I saw thousands of Brent Geese grazing in a field, a flock of 8 Curlews
and a female Reed Bunting. Ivy Lake gave me a Great Crested Grebe, a Gadwall
and Coots. I ended up at Arundel WWT where I heard a Great Tit tapping away at a
branch, removing the lichen covering, presumably looking for insects. Initially
I thought it was the Great Spotted Woodpecker!
Brent Geese, Branta bernicla |
Brent Geese, Branta bernicla |
Curlew, Numenius arquata |
Curlew, Numenius arquata |
Curlew, Numenius arquata |
Eurasian Widgeon, Anas penelope |
female Eurasian Widgeon, Anas penelope |
Eurasian Widgeon, Anas penelope |
male Eurasian Widgeon, Anas penelope |
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea |
Teal, Anas crecca |
Little egret, Egretta garzetta |
Redshank, Tringa totanus |
id needed please! |
Brent Geese, Branta bernicla |
Brent Geese, Branta bernicla |
Brent Geese, Branta bernicla |
Curlews, Numenius arquata |
female Reed Bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus |
Eurasian Widgeon, Anas penelope |
Ivy Lake area:
Coots, Fulica atra |
Gadwall, Anas strepera |
Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus |
Arundel WWT:
Canada Geese, Branta canadensis |
Cape Shelduck, Tadorna cana |
Common Pochard, Aythya Ferina |
female Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs |
Long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus |
Long-tailed Tits, Great Tit and Blue Tit |
Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos |
Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos |
Red-crested Pochards, Netta rufina |
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