Comma, Polygonia c-album |
This morning I headed to Steyning Downland early as the sky
was blue. There was no activity until much later by which
time a large group of butterfly enthusiasts had gathered. We all clustered
round a rather sad looking female. Later another was seen by Paul. On the way out I looked for my Comma caterpillar and instead found a pupa.
Comma, Polygonia c-album |
Comma pupa, Polygonia c-album |
Steyning Downland |
The prunus on top of the hill where I found my
first Brown Hairstreak in 2009 |
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus |
Dragonfly - id needed |
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina on teasel |
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta |
Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria under cloud cover |
and in sunlight |
Brown Hairstreak, female, Thecla betulae |
Brown Hairstreak, female, Thecla betulae |
Brown Hairstreak resting in prunus |
The female would come down to prunus near the ground, lay eggs, then return to rest in the canopy for some time before returning to the low prunus again. It uses Bullace or Blackthorn.
Brown Hairstreak resting in prunus
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