Friday 4 May 2012

a Mandarin and a Duke with Purple and gold

Mandarin duck, Aix galericulata
Another trip to the Green Longhorn site this morning paid dividends. Cloud cover was total, but there were plenty of insects on the Wood Spurge. Then a warm glow covered the glade and immediately the Green Longhorn moths appeared and swarmed on a few spurges. I headed to the top meadow and started a search for the elusive Duke of Burgundy. Blue patches of sky drifted in from the north and after five minutes a Duke landed right in front of me. It was a large specimen in pristine condition.

The blue sky disappeared after ten minutes so I headed into Arundel and a walk along the river produced some interesting wildfowl, including a Mandarin Duck.
unidentified Bee
Duke of Burgundy, Hamearis lucina

various unidentified flies:

St. Mark's Fly, Bibio marci, male
Garden snail, Helix aspersa
Green Longhorn moth, Adela reaumurella, female 
Green Longhorn moth, Adela reaumurella, male
Green Longhorn moth, Adela reaumurella, male
Green Longhorn moth, Adela reaumurella, male
Green Longhorn moth, Adela reaumurella, male
Green Longhorn moths, Adela reaumurella, males
Green Longhorn moths, Adela reaumurella, male
Common Carpet moth, Epirrhoe alternata
Common Carpet moth, Epirrhoe alternata
Small Purple and Gold moth, Pyrausta aurata 
Round-mouthed Snail, Pomatias elegans
Seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata
Arundel river:
Horse Chestnut in bloom
female Mallard
male Mallard

Moorhen and chick
Mute Swan with me in retreat
unidentified duck on left, female Mallard on right
unidentified duck

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