Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus mating |
Yesterday we returned from a glorious week in Pembrokeshire which included a visit to Skomer Island. There were many wonderful firsts for me, including Puffins and Choughs which I shall include in future blogs. However, the urgent task today was to get my Mill Hill butterfly transect done and to visit Kithurst Hill to see the Small Blues.
Mill Hill gave me the first decent butterfly numbers of the year:
Adonis Blue 85, Brimstone (male) 1, Common Blue 4, Dingy Skipper 7, Green Hairstreak 1, Green-veined White 1, Grizzled skipper 1, Orange-tip 1, Peacock 1, Small Heath 16.
The actual number of Adonis must have been in the hundreds - at the bottom of the hill wherever I looked I could see them flying. Gary was also enjoying them. I saw quite a few Treble Bar moths and a Burnet Companion.
At Kithurst Hill I met Su, Paul and partner. Small Blues were everywhere in the meadow. Also Dingy Skippers, Small Heaths, Common Blues, a Holly Blue, a Small White and a Duke of Burgundy.
Mill Hill:
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus mating |
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus mating |
Adonis Blue and Burnet Companion moth |
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages |
Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae |
Orange-tip, Anthocharis cardamines |
Treble-bar moth, Aplocera plagiata |
Kithurst Hill:
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus male |
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages |
Dovesfoot Cranesbill, Geranium molle |
Duke of Burgundy, Hamearis lucina |
Duke of Burgundy, Hamearis lucina |
Duke of Burgundy, Hamearis lucina |
Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus |
Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus |
Wood Avens, Geum urbanum |
Small Blue, Cupido minimus |
Small Blue, Cupido minimus |
Small Blue, Cupido minimus |
Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus |
Small White, Pieris rapae |
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