Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus, male |
This morning there were signs of good weather so I headed to Mill Hill to do my butterfly transect. The Adonis Blue made his appearance for the first time this year. I also saw a Green Hairstreak, Peacocks, Small Whites and Small Coppers mating, Dingy Skippers all over the bottom of the hill, a male Brimstone, Small Heaths. A flight of four Peacocks few past me as I ate my sandwhich, I assume these were three males pursuing a female. The Dingy Skippers were busy chasing any butterfly that flew near their territory, including Peacocks many times their size. The brown female brown adder was basking in her usual place by the bonfire site at the south end of the hill.
Adder, Vipera berus |
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus, male |
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus, male |
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus, male |
Adonis Blue, Lysandra bellargus, male |
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages |
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages |
Dingy Skipper, Erynnis tages |
Hawthorn, flowers Crataegus monogyna |
Mill Hill |
Mill Hill |
Pill Woodlouse, Armadillidium vulgare |
Scorpion fly, Panorpa communis |
Small Coppers, Lycaena phlaeas, courting |
Small Coppers, Lycaena phlaeas, mating |
Small Coppers, Lycaena phlaeas, mating |
Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus |
Small Whites, Pieris rapae, mating |
Small Whites, Pieris rapae, mating |
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