Saturday 4 June 2011

Weald & Downland Open Air Museum

Today I visited the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum which has a 'Heavy Horse and Working Animal Show' this weekend. SusSAR were backing up the Sussex branch if the  Lowland Search Dog unit. This was my first visit and it is a very impressive museum. Keith will be interested in the old buildings which have been moved and preserved here. There were many stands selling country crafts and food. I had a delicious hog roast sandwich for lunch with great crackling, and a vanilla ice cream made from clotted cream (2 scoops). There were various displays in the arena. These a selection of photos, more can be seen in the slideshow.

1887 lifeboat restored by enthusiast group
Ferret rescue charity

Signs for these houses and tools can be seen in the full slideshow

Harris Hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus
id needed for this owl please
and this one
Windmill from Pevensey

Falconry display with Harris Hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus

Harris Hawk
Harris Hawk
Harris Hawk

The first fire engine from the around 1900

Ferret racing - Blue reached the end and turned straight round to return to the start to win
Green reached the end first but then sat down, allowing Blue to win


  1. Do they sell models of the buildings at Singleton?

  2. Sorry, I don't know. Interesting thought though.


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