Saturday 11 June 2011

Mill Hill Marbled White & Adur World Oceans Day

Marbled White
This morning I assisted at the Adur World Oceans Day at Shoreham. There were some great stalls and many children stopped by Ed the Bear’s stand. I bought real coffee drink and flakes and real Turkish delight from a stall. Andy Horton is a prime mover behind this event - see his blog.
thanks to Andy Horton for the photo of me explaining the effect of  global warming
on acidification of the oceans  to  a young attendee :)
Then I did my weekly butterfly transect at Mill Hill and photographed my first Marbled White of the year.
Common Heath Ematurga atomaria
Thanks to Michael for the id. These moths are very variable in colour and pattern so it didn't look much like the image in Moths of Great Britain and Ireland (Townsend, Waring & Lewington) - see foot of page.
Marbled White

Small Tortoiseshell
This Small Tortoiseshell nectared on the privet flowers for 30 minutes. It started off high up then flower by flower made its down so I could get some decent shots.

Bumble Bee on Thislte

From Shoreham Bridge over the River Adur

1 comment:

  1. I was too busy on Friday and Saturday to go to Mill Hill and too tired on Sunday



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