Monday 4 October 2010

The littoral zone

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Following an interesting sunrise yesterday morning was rainy again but it cleared up to enable me to enjoy a windy walk east towards East Preston.

 Fungi on the Green
Oyster Catcher feeding
Mermaid's Purse - Dogfish egg case
crabby gull
Oyster Catcher

scratchy Black-headed Gull
whose been chasing gulls then?
Bladder Wrack, Fucus vesiculosus on the groynes
Young gull
Black-headed Gull

view west
Carrion Crow
view east towards East Preston
flock of Oyster catchers

leg of Spider Crab
Kitesurfers taking advantage of the strong winds

The East Beach Cafe and beach huts
Chalk rock with Piddock holes
The Green is covered by patches of fungi

1 comment:

  1. Great pics of Oysterctachers


    Andy Horton.
    ><< ( ( ( ' >
    British Marine Life Study Society (formed 6 June 1990)
    Marine Wildlife of the North-east Atlantic Ocean Yahoo Group


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