Saturday 20 June 2020

Fox cub and micromoths at Rewell Wood

White-strap Sober (probably), Syncopacma larseniella (not gen det) 
Yesterday at Rewell I found a micromoth that I have seen before but cannot determine the species without dissection of the genitalia. It is Syncopacma species, probably a White-strap Sober (S. larseniella) as this has been confirmed confirmed in Rewell Wood in the past. A highlight was spotting a young fox foraging in the distance. it came towards me and I kept taking photos until it was full frame just in front of me, then probably heard the shutter, looked up and dashed off. I've made a movie of the shots. 
Other moths seen: Common Marble, Common Yellow Conch, Dotted Ermel, Long-winged Pearl, Red Piercer, Satin Grass-veneer, Treble Brown Spot. I saw an ant dragging a larva to its nest.
Red Fox cub, Vulpes vulpes

Fox cub video:

Common Marble, Celypha lacunana

Common Yellow Conch, Agapeta hamana, drowned in the 'leaf pond' of a Teasel

Dock Bugs mating, Coreus marginatus 

Dock Bugs mating

Dotted Ermel, Ethmia dodecea 
ichneumon wasp or sawfly?

Ichneumon wasp male, Amblyteles armatorius

Long-winged Pearl, Anania lancealis

Red Ant, Myrmica rubra with larva prey 

Red Piercer, Lathronympha strigana 

Satin Grass-veneer, Crambus perlella

Treble Brown Spot, Idaea trigeminata 

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