Saturday 7 March 2015

Heath Button, Coal Tits and Gorse Spider-mites

On Tuesday I visited Houghton Forest where I spotted a Buzzard perched in a tree eating its prey.

On Wednesday I joined the weekly Heyshott escarpment work party on a fine day. Two Red Kites were soaring high. Afterwards I headed to Iping Common and found another specialist heathland micromoth, a Heath Button. I also walked into Steadham Common where I saw Coal Tits. Near The Grange Community Centre in Midhurst I spotted a  large block of crocuses and Canada Geese by the pond.

At Rewell Wood on Thursday I saw snowdrops by the track and a deer skull.

On Friday I was back at Iping Common where I saw Dartford Warblers, Goldcrests and Coal tits. The Kestrel and Buzzards were seen overhead. I spotted webbing on a Gorse Bush and on closer investigation of a rusty coloured area with my magnifier, I saw hundreds of red mites. I later identified these as Gorse Spider-mites, which are a control agent for gorse. I also saw a Migrant Hoverfly on the gorse.
Houghton Forest:
female Blackbird, Turdus merula
Buzzard feeding, Buteo buteo

Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
Gorse, Ulex europaeus
Hazel, Corylus avellana
Houghton Forest

Norway Spruce cones, Picea abies
Traveller's-joy, Clematis vitalba

 Nigel, John, Andy, Mike, Greg, Neil
The Grange, Midhurst:
Canada Geese, Branta canadensis
Iping Common:
Coal Tit, Periparus ater
Sue has her eye on this seat
Heath Button, Acleris hyemana

fruiting bodies of Lichen, Cladonia polydactyla
Rewell Wood:
Artist's Bracket, Ganoderma applanatum
Fallow Deer skull, Dama dama

Iping Common:
Coal Tit, Periparus ater
web of Gorse Spider-mites, Tetranychus lintearius
Gorse Spider-mites, Tetranychus lintearius

Migrant Hoverfly, Meliscaeva auricollis
Galls of Oak Marble Gall Wasp, Andricus kollari
Oak Marble Galls
our Dwarf orchid which last flowed in September 2012

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