Brindled Plume, Amblyptilia punctidactyla |
On Sunday my metal detecting club
organised a dig, but nothing much was found on the very dry pasture by the time I left. I used my Canon G9 compact to photograph a Garden
Grass-veneer micromoth, Tiger Craneflies mating and Small Tortoiseshells mud-puddling in the car parking area. In the evening I visited Rewell
Wood and found a Brindled Plume plus several insects and spiders which await identification - any help gratefully received! A fox crossed the path, and a Roe Deer
stared at me before turning and leaping off the path. At home I found a Common Clothes Moth on the wall.
Garden Grass-veneer, Chrysoteuchia culmella |
Tiger Cranefly, Nephrotoma flavescens |
Small Tortoiseshell mud-puddling, Aglais urticae |
Common Clothes Moth, Tineola bisselliella |
Common Clothes Moth, Tineola bisselliella |
Leafhopper nymph, Evacanthus interruptus |
Rewell Wood:
Ground Weevil, Barynotus obscurus |
Common Green Capsid, Lygocoris pabulinus |
Common Yellow Conch, Agapeta hamana |
unidentified Cranefly |
Dark Strawberry Tortrix, Celypha lacunana |
Ground Beetle, Abax parallelepipedus |
Harvestman, Mitopus morio |
Kentish snail, Monacha cantiana |
Marsh Valerian, Valeriana dioica |
female Meadow Plant Bug, Leptopterna dolabrata |
iSpot ids this as White-pinion Spotted, Lomographa bimaculata two more photos below |
White-pinion Spotted, Lomographa bimaculata |
White-pinion Spotted, Lomographa bimaculata |
Long-winged Pearl, Anania lancealis |
Plant bug, Neolygus viridis |
Plant bug, Neolygus viridis |
unidentified Plume moth |
unidentified spider |
unidentified spider |
unidentified spider |
Springtail, Pogonognathellus longicornis |
Viper's Bugloss, Echium vulgare |
Yellow-spot Twist, Pseudargyrotoza conwagana |
Roe Deer, Capreolus capreolus |
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