On Thursday I visited Rewell
Wood where I found a Small Purple and Gold micromoth, a Speckled Wood and a Red-tailed Cuckoo Bumblebee. The female bee takes
over the nest of a Red-tailed Bumblebee and assumes the role of the queen.
On Saturday at Kithurst
Meadow I found a micromoth, Falseuncaria ruficiliana and a few Green-veined
whites. At Rewell Wood there were plenty of Pearl-bordered Fritillaries and Early
Purple Orchids were flowering and I saw my first Speckled Yellow of the year.
In the evening we spotted
a rainbow out to sea with a kite surfer dancing in front of it.
Rewell Wood:
Small Purple and Gold, Pyrausta aurata |
female Red-tailed Cuckoo Bumblebee, Bombus rupestris |
female Red-tailed Cuckoo Bumblebee, Bombus rupestris |
Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria |
Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria |
Kithurst Meadow:
Cowslip, Primula veris |
bowl by Kithurst Meadow with Cowslips |
Saturday at Rewell Wood:
Bracket fungus with snail |
Bugle, Ajuga reptans |
Early Purple Orchid, Orchis mascula |
Early Purple Orchid, Orchis mascula |
fungus, id needed |
Kithurst Meadow:
Cowslips, Primula veris |
micromoth, Falseuncaria ruficiliana |
micro grasshopper (1 cm) |
Green-veined White, Pieris napi |
Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum |
hoverfly |
micro beetles mating |
This fly emerges around St. Mark's Day, 25 May.
Rewell Wood:
Bluebell, Hyacinthoides non-scripta |
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne |
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne |
Pheasant egg, Phasianus colchicus |
Primrose, Primula vulgaris |