Blueface angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon with
Yellow cornet fish hitching a ride |
Thursday 1st November
Raining again till noon.
Probably the outer part of Cyclone Nilam which has hit south-east India.
First dive at Maagiri Rock where we came across a huge shoal of Bluestripe
Fayaz giving dive briefing |
Magnificent Sea Anemone, Heteractis magnifica |
Bill & Bluestripe Snappers, Lutjanus kasmira |
Black-spotted Garden Eel, Heteroconger hassi |
Bluestripe Snapper, Lutjanus kasmira |
Bluestripe Snappers, Lutjanus kasmira |
Clark's Anemonefish , Amphiprion clarkii |
Clark's Anemonefish , Amphiprion clarkii |
Featherstars |
Featherstars on sea fan |
Fluted Giant Cclam, Tridacna squamosa |
Giant Moray, Gymnothorax javanicus |
Gold-striped Emperor, Gnathodentex aureolineatus |
Indian Dascyllus, Dascyllus carneus |
Maldive Anemonefish, Amphipriion nigripes |
Maldivian sponge snail, Coriocella hybyae |
Oriental Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus |
Sea fan & sponges |
Spotfin Lionfish, Pterois antennata |
Two-lined Monocle Bream, Scolopsis bilineatus |
Variable Thorny Oyster, Spondylus varians |
Vermilion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata |
Vermillion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata &
Twospot Bristletooth Surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus binotatus |
Yellow Calcite Sponge, Clathrina species |
Second morning dive at Lankan Reef which is famous for the Manta cleaning station. A small manta passed us on our way to the cleaning station. Then right above the cleaning station about 30 Mobula rays (small mantas, also known as Devil rays) passed overhead near the surface. Then at the end of the dive a huge manta gave us a display, cruising round and round. I shot some videos of the Manta and Mobula rays which I will link here.
Blue-faced Angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon &
Yellow Chinese Trumpetfish, Aulostomus chinensis |
Chinese Trumpetfish, Aulostomus chinensis |
Collared Butterflyfish, Chaetodon collare |
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Hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata |
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Hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata |
Hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata |
Imperial Angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator |
Maldive Anemonefish, Amphipriion nigripes &
Dascyllus anemonefish, Dascyllus trimaculatus, juveniles |
Maldive Anemonefish, Amphipriion nigripes |
Multi-pore Sea Star, Linckia multifora |
The discarded arm will grow into a new starfish (asexual reproduction)
Red and Yellow Clathria, Clathria species of coral |
Sea fan |
Tortured Black Coral Whip, Stichopathes species |
Photographer's usual view a fish -
Imperial Angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator |
The afternoon dive was at Banana Reef, always a great dive
in low current with plenty of purple anemones with their clownefish.
Giant Moray, Gymnothorax javanicus |
Giant Moray, Gymnothorax javanicus |
Graeffe's Sea Cucumber,
Pearsonothuria graeffei |
Magenta Menella |
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Maldive Anemonefish, Amphiprion nigripes &
Magnificent Sea Anemone, Heteractis magnifica |
Maldive Anemonefish, Amphiprion nigripes &
Magnificent Sea Anemone, Heteractis magnifica |
Masked Bannerfish, Heniochus monoceros |
Naked Soft Coral, Chironephthya species |
Naked Soft Coral, Chironephthya species |
Orange Anthias, Pseudanthias squamipinnis & sea fan |
Oyster |
Penguin Wing Oyster, Pteria Penguin |
Pin-cushion Sea Star, Culcita schmideliana |
Red-toothed Triggerfish, Odonus niger |
Sabre Squirrelfish, Sargocentron spiniferum |
Sea fan |
Soft Coral, Siphonogorgia species |
Sponge |
Vermilion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata |
Whitetip Soldierfish, Myripristis vittata & sea fan |
Whitetip Soldierfish, Myripristis vittata |
We then did a night dive at Devils Thila which ended with an
Emperor Angelfish trying to outwit me under a coral head (and mostly succeeding).
Blueface angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon |
Black Sea Cucumber, Actinopyga miliaris |
Blotched Porcupinefish, Diodon liturosus |
Blue-faced Angelfish, Pomacanthus xanthometopon |
Edible Sea Cucumber, Holothuria edulis |
Giant Clam, Tridacna |
Multi-pore Sea Star, Linckia multifora & Soft Didemnum, Didemnum molle |
juvenile Painted Rock Lobster, Panurilus versicolor |
Pin-cushion Sea Star, Culcita schmideliana |
Powder-blue Surgeonfish, Acanthurus leucosternon |
Soft Coral, Siphonogorgia species |
Sponge |
Sponge |
Spotfin Lionfish, Pterois antennata |
Starfish, Fromia monolis |
Variable Thorny Oyster, Spondylus varians |
Whiteline Lionfish, Pterois radiata |
Four of the group of eight left, we are hoping for better
weather tomorrow.
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