Sunday 4th November
Our first dive this morning was at Barracuda Giri, which has
been a favourite site of mine since 1986. Adel was my dive buddy, Abdullah
couldn’t dive as he was within 24 hours of his flight. There was hardly any
current so it was a gentle and enjoyable dive. The second dive at Thulaghiri
North yielded 4 nudibranchs which was great as I haven’t seen many this trip.
Barracuda Giri:
Abdulla staying dry during his 24 hour countdown to his flight |
water villas at a nearby resort |
Sivad's dive briefing |
Alcyonaria soft coral |
Alcyonaria soft coral |
Black-spotted Pufferfish, Arothron nigropunctatus |
Blue soft coral |
Bluefin Jack, Caranx melampygus |
Bluestripe Snapper, Lutjanus kasmira |
Double-saddled Butterflyfish, Chaetodon falcula |
Featherstar on sea fan |
Featherstar on sea fan |
Featherstar on sea fan |
Featherstar, Oxycomanthus bennetti |
Giant Clam, Tridacna |
Giant Moray, Gymnothorax javanicus |
Guinea fowl Pufferfish, Arothron meleagris |
Maldives fender knot |
This is the one pull slip knot used to tie the fenders up.
Naked Soft Coral, Chironephthya species |
Orange-striped Triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus |
Oriental Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus &
Cleaner Wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus |
One Cleaner Wrasse is cleaning parasites from the mouth, and another is behind the eye!
Oriental Sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus |
Oval butterflyfish, Chaetodon trifasciatus |
Penguin Wing Oyster, Pteria Penguin |
Raccoon Butterflyfish, Chaetodon lunula |
Red-toothed Triggerfish, Odonus niger |
Sea Fan |
Sixspot Rock Code, Cephalopholis sexmaculata |
Sleek Unicornfish, Naso haxacanthus |
Soft Coral, Siphonogorgia species |
Soft Coral, Siphonogorgia species |
Variable Thorny Oyster, Spondylus varians |
Vermilion Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata |
Vlaming's Unicornfish, Naso vlamingii |
Thulaghiri North:
Adel |
Bigeye Bream, Monotaxis grandoculis |
Black-spotted Pufferfish, Arothron nigropunctatus |
Blue-green Chromis, Chromis viridis |
Clark's Anemonefish , Amphiprion clarkii |
Coral reef scene |
Lunar Fusilier, Caesio lunaris |
Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus |
Mussel, Atrina vexillum |
Nudibranch, Phyllidia varicosa |
Nudibranch, Phyllidia varicosa |
Nudibranch, Phyllidiella zeylanica |
Slender Sweepers, Parapriacanthus ransonneti |
Soft Coral, Siphonogorgia species |
Soft Didemnum, Didemnum molle |
Sponge covering coral |
Threespot Angelfish, Apolemichthys trimaculatus |
Yellow Boxfish, juvenile, Ostracion cubicus |
After my massage at the Anggerik Spa in the afternoon I
walked past the Garden plot next to the soccer field. I decided to check out
the weed patch and to my amazement a bright orange butterfly flew past. It
settled and I was able to obtain upper and lower wing shots. I later identified it as a Peacock Pansy, Precis almana, and the underside shows it is the wet season form - don't we know it!
In the same
area I also spotted a tiny blue butterfly which I managed to photograph. It had a damaged
right wing, but then I spotted another specimen which was perfect. It does not
have the orange spots as the 2010 specimens, and I believe it to be a Lesser Grass Blue, Zizina otis which occurs in Sri Lanka. It was about the size of my small finger nail! That makes two small blue species on the island. The Small Cupid emerged later - latter part of November in 2010 and 2011, and was in a different place.
Abdullah spotted a large butterfly (which I now believe to be a Danaid
Eggfly, Hypolimnas misippus) outside room 188, so 3 species are flying. My two were spotted during the last hour before
sunset on my last day - amazing luck. I showed our waiter, Shafi, the butterfly
photos and he said there are lots of the Peacock Pansy, but not many of the Lesser Grass Blue. Maybe that is because of their tiny size, they can easily be mistaken
for small moths of which there are plenty. I leave Bandos at 9am Monday.
The Peacock Pansy is found in India and South East Asia, and eastwards to China and Japan: details in Wikipedia:
Lesser Grass Blue, Zizina otis |
Peacock Pansy, Precis almana,
the underside shows that this is the wet season form |
Peacock Pansy, Precis almana
which landed on a sand bag |
Ramune, Adel, Colin, Hassan, Abdulla |
Another butterfly bonus
I am completing this at the airport. They have now banned
alcohol consumption at the airport so the cold beer treat of past years is
sadly at an end. The duty free area has been completely revamped again. Now
waiting for boarding and the 10 hour flight to Gatwick. This BA flight is the
best way to travel to the Maldives
from the UK.
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