Friday 20 September 2019

A barbarous radiate and Red and Yellow Underwings

barbarous radiate
Obverse: Radiate cuirassed bust of Emperor right
Reverse: Hilaritas standing left holding long branch and cornucopia
On Wednesday I visited Whitehawk Hill, Brighton following Neil Hulme’s great photo of a mating pair of Long-tailed Blues the previous day. Other enthusiasts were also on the prowl, including Katrina and Trevor. One was seen before I arrived, but no photos. I did see a female Wall in the path. I then called in at Southwick opposite the power station and saw a male Clouded Yellow whizzing around.
  Yesterday I attended a Mid Week Searchers dig at Over Wallop, Hants. I found a barbarous radiate (a Roman period copy of coins of the emperors Tetricus I & II, c.AD 270), a flattened love token (worn silver coin with a double bend), a copper finial) and a Victoria farthing.
  Various moths have visited the balcony light again, including another Red Underwing, a Large Yellow Underwing and a Box Tree Moth. We have just two surviving Poplar Hawk-moth larvae, the largest is 19mm long and they are 26 days old.
18-19th C copper finial from a clock or furniture

flattened silver love token

Victoria farthing
Wall female, Lasiommata megera

Box Tree Moth, Cydalima perspectalis

Double-striped Pug, Gymnoscelis rufifasciata

Flounced Rustic, Luperina testacea

Large Yellow Underwing, Noctua pronuba

Large Yellow Underwing

Orange Swift, Triodia sylvina

Pale Mottled Willow, Caradrina clavipalpis

Poplar Hawk-moth larva, Laothoe populi 26  days, 19mm

Red Underwing, Catocala nupta

Red Underwing

Rusty Dot Pearl, Udea ferrugalis

Setaceous Hebrew Character, Xestia c-nigrum

Small Dusty Wave, Idaea seriata

Square-spot Rustic, Xestia xanthographa

Willow Beauty, Peribatodes rhomboidaria

Garden Carpet, Xanthorhoe fluctuata

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