Dark Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja |
On Wednesday morning I visited Fairmile Bottom and met Neil Hulme who was also in pursuit of Dark Green Fritillaries. We saw many in flight and Neil was able to offer me a view of one roosting. Also seen were a Painted Lady, Meadow Browns, late emerging Grizzled Skippers, Marbled Whites, Common Blues and Large Skippers. Moths seen: Burnished Brass, Cinerous Pearl, Cinnabar, Common Plume, Dingy White Plume (Merrifieldia baliodactylus) - a Sussex rarity, Grey Gorse Piercer, many Hook-streak Grass-veneers, Meadow Grey, Red Piercer, Satin Grass-veneer, Yellow Shell.
Burnished Brass, Diachrysia chrysitis |
Cinerous Pearl, Anania fuscalis |
Cinnabar, Tyria jacobaeae |
Common Blue, Polyommatus icarus |
Common Milkwort, Polygala vulgaris |
Common Plume, Emmelina monodactyla |
Common Spotted-orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Dactylorhiza fuchsii x praetermissa (Dactylorhiza x grandis) |
a cross between Common Spotted Orchid and Southern Marsh Orchid, common where these two species coexist
Dark Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja |
Dark Green Fritillary |
Dark Green Fritillary |
Dusky Cockroach, Ectobius lapponicus |
Five-spot Burnet, Zygaena trifolii |
Common Mouse-Ear, Cerastium fontanum |
Garden Chafer, Phyllopertha horticola |
Grey Gorse Piercer, Cydia ulicetana |
Grizzled Skipper, Pyrgus malvae |
Grizzled Skipper |
Hook-streak Grass-veneer, Crambus lathoniellus |
Large Skipper, Ochlodes sylvanus |
Marbled White, Melanargia galathea |
Marbled White take-off |
Marbled White |
Marbled White |
Meadow Grey, Scoparia pyralella |
Mirid bug, Calocoris roseomaculatus |
Red Piercer, Lathronympha strigana |
Satin Grass-veneer, Crambus perlella |
Yellow Shell, Camptogramma bilineata |