Tuesday 8 March 2016

Flotsam and fungi

Sea Oak, Halidrys siliquosa
In February I visited the beach regularly and started photographing various marine life washed up. Seaweeds have been a challenge, both to photograph and identify and I now have a few books to help me with with living flotsam: Seasearch guide to Seaweeds; Seasearch guide to Bryozoans and Hydroids; Collins complete guide to British Coastal Wildlife; Great British Marine Animals.
February 11:
Barrel Jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo
Barrel Jellyfish
holdfast of Furbellows, Saccorhiza polyschides
holdfast of Oarweed, Laminaria digitata
Scallop, Pecten maximus
Sea Oak, Halidrys siliquosa
fungus on beach, possibly Southern Bracket, Ganoderma australe,
probably from a tree trunk washed into the sea
sponge needing id, 7cm long
On February 17 I attended the weekly morning work party at Heyshott escarpment then stopped at Burton Mill Pond.
Woods near Burton Mill Pond:
Alder catkins, Alnus glutinosa
Blushing Bracket, Daedaleopsis confragosa
Blushing Brackets
Cartilage Lichen, Ramalina farinacea
Common Orange Lichen, Xanthoria parietina
Fallow Deer antler, Dama dama
fungus needing id
this piece of branch is glued to the living branch by a fungus caleed
Glue Crust, Hymenochaete corrugata
the bottom part is the Glue Crust
Green Elfcup, Chlorociboria aeruginascens agg.
the fruiting bodies are cup shaped when they form
Green Elfcup looks like a copper stain on the wood
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
Hairy Curtain Crust
hazel nut, probably eaten by a grey squirrel
King Alfred's Cake, Daldinia concentrica
King Alfred's Cakes
King Alfred's Cakes
Primrose, Primula vulgaris
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor

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