Friday 2 August 2013

Clouded Yellow & Silver-spotted Skippers

female Clouded Yellow, Colias croceus
Yesterday morning I completed my Mill Hill transect with the following results: Brimstone 4, Chalkhill Blue 110, Common Blue 2, Gatekeeper 16, Green-veined White 1, Large White 2, Marbled White 2, Meadow Brown 138, Peacock 11, Red Admiral 3, Small Copper 1, Small Heath 1, Small Skipper 1, Small White 1, Wall 1, misc whites 9, also Silver Y 5. Chalkhill Blues, Meadow Browns and Peacocks have increased since last week, and this was the first second brood Wall on Mill Hill. 
 I then visited Chantry Hill and recorded Brimstone, many Chalkhill Blues, Large Whites, Meadow Browns and worn Dark Green Fritillaries plus Gatekeepers, Large Skippers, a Red Admiral, a Small Heath and 3 Silver-spotted Skippers. 
 I was feeling very pleased with the Silver-spotted Skippers when a pristine and beautiful female Clouded Yellow landed in front of me and nectared on thistle to complete a satisfying day with the butterflies.
Wall Brown, Lasiommata megera
Wall Brown, Lasiommata megera
Silver-spotted Skipper, Hesperia comma

Silver-spotted Skipper, Hesperia comma

more pics will be loaded later!


  1. Speckled Woods on Mill Hill ?

    1. Yes, I have seen them at the top of the Hill in wooded areas.

  2. Wow!! That's a beautiful Colouded Yellow. The colours in that photo are fantastic!

  3. Thanks Paul, two more today at Kithurst!


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