I had an interesting day's metal detecting with Mid Week Searchers in Wiltshire on Thursday after passing Stonehenge on the way to the site:
1. Saxon strap end 47mm long
2. Barbarous radiate, 3rd Century coin (22mm)
3. Constantius II coin (13mm diameter) similar to "RIC VIII Antioch 49 var 337-341 AD"
on Wildwinds site
4. Knee buckle - anchor chape Type V xv 18thC
5. pewter bowl (squashed) 5cm long
6. lid of Roman seal box, late 1st to the mid 3rd Century AD. similar to:
7. Roman coin(?) with hole as pendant(?) 15mm diameter
8. broken handle of candle snuffer 18thC
9. half of a crotal bell. The bottom half looks like it has been cut away rather than
Saxon strap end, 5cm |
Strap ends were used to decorate and weigh down leather straps so they hung well. There are 2 rivet holes to attach to the strap. strap end often had zoomorphic decoration and two eyes can be seen with some bands on this one. It is made of a copper alloy.
barbarous radiate 22mm |
Barbarous radiates are imitations of the antoninianus, a type of coin issued during the Roman Empire c.270-273 AD.
coin of Constantius II, 13mm |
lid of roman seal box, 26mm |
Seal boxes are believed to be used to protect wax seals. They often had holes in the lid and base. This is just the lid, copper alloy.
possibly a worn Roman coin used as a pendant |
broken handle of candle snuffer, 18thC |
half of a crotal bell |
The bottom half of this animal bell looks like it has been cut away rather than broken.