Clouded Yellow ♂, Colias croceus |
My Mill Hill transect yesterday yielded Adonis Blue 32, Clouded Yellow 2, Comma 3, Common Blue 3, Meadow Brown 27, Red Admiral 2, Small Heath 13, Small White 2, Silver Y 2, Common Carpet 2, Treble Bar 1, Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer 2. The Clouded Yellow at the bottom of the hill was worn and nectared on thistle. The one at the top of the hill was in good condition, nectared on solely on the masses of Autumn Gentian and kept returning to the same area just south of the car park.
Autumn Gentian, Gentianella amarella |
Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus |
worn Clouded Yellow ♂ |
Clouded Yellow ♂ on Autumn Gentian |
Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus |
Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer, Agriphila geniculea |
Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus and Adonis Blue ♀, Polyommatus bellargus |
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