Friday 22 June 2012

Heath Fritillaries

Heath Fritillary, Melitaea athalia
On Wednesday I left at 6:30 bound for East Blean Woods, near Herne Bay, Kent where I met Mark for a photo fest with the Heath Fritillary. It was already warm when I arrived at 8:45 and the butterflies were very active. The wooded area by the car park is where all the action is, with large areas of Cow Wheat, the larval food plant of the Heath Fritillary. We found mating pairs and other photographers arrived during the morning.
On the way back I called in at Park Corner Heath and finally saw a Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary zooming around the heath area, presumably a male searching for a female. On the path near the road I found a White Admiral nectaring on bramble flowers.
Cow-Wheat, Melampyrum pratense, larval food plant of the Heath Fritillary
Cow-Wheat, Melampyrum pratense
Cow-Wheat, Melampyrum pratense
Cow-Wheat, Melampyrum pratense
Woodland path
Heath Fritillary, Melitaea athalia
Heath Fritillaries, Melitaea athalia
Heath Fritillary, Melitaea athalia
Heath Fritillary, Melitaea athalia

Heath Fritillaries mating, Melitaea athalia
Heath Fritillaries mating, Melitaea athalia
Heath Fritillaries mating, Melitaea athalia

Heath Fritillaries mating, Melitaea athalia

Heath Fritillary on Cow wheat
Park Corner Heath:
Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina
White Admiral, Limenitis camilla
White Admiral, Limenitis camilla

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