Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Wizard of Cissbury Ring

Clouded Yellow
I completed most of my packing for the Maldives so after lunch we headed off to Cissbury Ring. A couple of Red Admirals were nectaring on gorse on the north west side. When we came round to the north east side I spotted Neil lying down with camera trained on something interesting. I did not dare hope that it was the elusive Clouded Yellow, but it was - a beautiful male that was cooperating fully due to the low temperature. Neil shared the experience and my last day before chasing butterfly fish in the Indian Ocean was complete - The Wizard had cast his spell again - Neil rules the Hill...

The Wizard in action


  1. Wonderful Clouded Yellow photos. I particularly like the ones with the sky in the background.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. thanks Paul, I've been after this opportunity for months.


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