Tuesday 13 July 2010

Cats, Dog and Grouse

The past two days have brought much needed rain, hopefully it has greened Littlehampton although it has temporarily brought my butterfly trips to an end. We went to Jen’s place for a lovely cheese salad meal last night and much wine was consumed, followed by an raspberry and nectarine crumble with custard, perefct. Her garden is looking great with its purple theme. Sadly the badgers have not visited this year, she fed them last year and was able to watch them from the dining room. 
The house mogs eventually lost their shyness and hopped from lap to lap.
Ollie disgraced himself in the pond yesterday when his ball into it. The vapours were not good and he was rewarded with the hated hose.
Before the wedding Nute and I walked to the Indian Restaurant while Sue, Ken, Alex and Nadine drove. There was a beautiful sky over the roof of the flats on Fulwood Road. Today we took Nute and Ken to The Grouse at Froggatt Edge where I had good steak pie, chips and peas and Banks Bitter. We used to go here in the 70s for darts when they used to do great beef sandwiches at lunchtime.

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