Saturday 17 April 2010

Devils Dyke, a Harlequin, Dingies and an adder

This morning I headed for Devils Dyke for the first time. The weather continues to be fabulous.
I found my first ladybirds for the year, 7-spot ladybirds and a Harlequin ladybird with 18 spots. 
Also some interesting beetles including this beautiful specimen.

I called in at Mill Hill on the way back and found my first Dingy Skippers of the year, 
plus some more Grizzled Skippers. Also a female (white) Brimstone, and the usual Peacocks, and Pyrausta moths, including this P. purpuralis.
A lizard crossed my path and then I found the prize of the day, a juvenile adder about 22 cms long.

1 comment:

  1. Harlequin ladybirds are invasive to our resident ladybirds, however due to the cold winter ( instead of our string of recent stop-start winters/springs )the residents have had a "proper" winter shut down and should show in fair numbers this year. Also, watch out for the "huge" black/violet carpenter bee which has made a foot hold in the south due to the "warming" climate.


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