Silver-studded Blue male, Plebejus argus |
On Sunday I visited Stedham and Iping Commons to see the Silver-studded Blues and find some moths. The SSBs were seen in both commons but all were males until I found one female on Iping Common. I was told that mating pairs were seen early in the morning. On the moth front I saw Clouded Buffs, Common Heaths, Common Waves, Peacocks, an Inlaid Grass-veneer, a Four-dotted Footman and a Marbled White Spot.
Clouded Buff, Diacrisia sannio
Common Heath, Ematurga atomaria |
Common Wave, Cabera exanthemata |
Dock Bugs mating, Coreus marginatus |
Four-dotted Footman, Cybosia mesomella |
Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea |
Inlaid Grass-veneer, Crambus pascuella |
Iping Common |
Marbled White Spot, Deltote pygarga |
Peacock Moth, Macaria notata |
Silver-studded Blue female, Plebejus argus |
Silver-studded Blue male |
Silver-studded Blue male |
Stonechat, Saxicola torquata |
Tormentil, Potentilla erecta |
Wild rose, Rosa species |
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