Nut-Tree Tussock, Colocasia coryli |
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I put my moth trap on the balcony on March 23rd when the warmer temperatures indicated that I might attract some moths. I had 10 named species and one unidentified micromoth during the rest of the month. Four of these were new to the balcony: March Tubic, Small Quaker, Tawny Pinion and Clouded Drab which was a nice surprise. |
Clouded Drab, Orthosia incerta |
Common Quaker, Orthosia cerasi |
Double-striped Pug, Gymnoscelis rufifasciata |
Early Grey, Xylocampa areola |
Hebrew Character, Xestia c-nigrum |
March Tubic, Diurnea fagella |
unidentified micomoth |
Small Quaker, Orthosia cruda |
Tawny Pinion, Lithophane semibrunnea |
White-shouldered House-moth, Endrosis sarcitrella |