These are some of the more interesting moths 28 July to 9 August: Little Ermine, Dark Crimson Underwing, Oak Processionary, Pebble Hook-tip, Scalloped Oak, The Miller, Tree-lichen Beauty. There were loads of others that I have already posted recently.
Common Grass-veneer, Agriphila tristella |
Dark Crimson Underwing, Catocala sponsa |
Iron Prominent, Notodonta dromedarius |
Langmaid's Yellow Underwing, Noctua janthina |
Large Yellow Underwing, Noctua pronuba |
Lime-speck Pug, Eupithecia centaureata |
Little Ermine, Pseudoswammerdamia pyrella |
Magpie, Abraxas grossulariata |
Mint Moth, Pyrausta aurata |
Oak Processionary, Thaumetopoea processionea |
Pebble Hook-tip, Drepana falcataria |
Poplar Hawk-moth, Laothoe populi |
Poplar Hawk-moth, Laothoe populi |
Poplar Hawk-moths |
Ruby Tiger, Phragmatobia fuliginosa |
Scalloped Oak, Crocallis elinguaria |
The Miller, Acronicta leporina |
Tree-lichen Beauty, Cryphia algae |
Tree-lichen Beauty, Cryphia algae |