unidentified item at Lords Piece, 5-10mm |
On Wednesday we had the last Heyshott work party of the year. Afterwards digitally foraged for fungi at Heyshott escarpment, Heyshott Common and Lords Piece. I added new species of fungi and lichens to my galleries: Birch Mazegill, Eyelash Cup, Glistening Inkcap, Brown Birch Bolete, Common Bonnet, Common Greenshield Lichen, Dog Lichen, Common Bonnet, Oak Curtain Crust, White Brain and Splitgill. Plus a Black Snail Beetle and Banded Centipedes.
My favourites were the Eyelash Cup, the White Brain and the Splitgill, which reminded me of a coral.
Heyshott escarpment:
John strimming |
Andy tending the fire |
Birch Mazegill, Lenzites betulina |
Birch Polypore, Piptoporus betulinus |
Common Jellyspot, Dacrymyces stillatus |
Eyelash Cup, Scutellinia scutellata |
Glistening Inkcap, Coprinellus micaceus |
Glistening Inkcap |
Puffball, Scleroderma species |
Slime Mould, Myxomycetes species |
Slime Mould |
Turkeytail, Trametes versicolor |
Heyshott Common:
Birch Polypore, Piptoporus betulinus |
Birch Polypore |
Blushing Brackets, Daedaleopsis confragosa |
Blushing Bracket |
Blushing Bracket underside |
unidentified bracket fungus |
as above |
Brown Birch Bolete, Leccinum scabrum |
Brown Birch Bolete near stream |
Common Bonnet, Mycena galericulata |
Common Bonnet underside |
Common Greenshield Lichen, Flavoparmelia caperata |
Common Greenshield Lichen |
Cushion Bracket, Phellinus pomaceus |
Dog Lichen, Peltigera canina |
Dog Lichen underside |
Hair Moss, Polytrichum commune |
Lichen, Usnea species |
Oak Curtain Crust, Hymenochaete rubiginosa |
Oak Curtain Crust underside |
Silver Birch ♂ + ♀ catkins, Betula pendula |
male Silver Birch catkins |
Sphagnum moss species |
Trentepohlia algae |
Trentepohlia algae |
White Brain, Exidia thuretiana |
White Brain |
Lords Piece:
Banded Centipede, Lithobius variegatus |
Black Snail Beetle, Silpha atrata |
Black Snail Beetle |
Hairy Curtain Crust, Stereum hirsutum |
Hairy Curtain Crust underside |
Leopard Slug eggs, Limax maximus |
Leopard Slug |
mystery item |
remarkable similarity to Blood Blister Lichen: http://waynesword.palomar.edu/pljan98d.htm :"Haematomma lapponicum (Ophioparma lapponica): A crustose soil lichen that grows on the tundra of northern Alaska's Brooks Range. The red structures resembling blood blisters are apothecia."
another cluster of the above |
Southern Bracket, Ganoderma australe |
Southern Bracket |
Splitgill, Schizophyllum commune |
Splitgill underside |
Velvet Shanks, Flammulina velutipes |
growing from side of birch log |
Velvet Shanks side view |
underside of Velvet Shanks |