Monday 17 November 2014

Butterfly Conservation AGM

outgoing chairman David Dennis

On Saturday we attended the AGM of Butterfly Conservation at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. As usual it was well organised and business was conducted briskly and with good humour. The treasurer gave an excellent summary of the state of the financial climate and BCs finances. There was a change of Chairman as required every 3 years. The caterers let us down at lunch time by having insufficient sandwiches after half the queue had been served. However BC Head Office staff, lead by Julie Williams, leapt into the breach and rushed out to buy adequate supplies – well done! There were excellent trade displays, with special mention of UK Butterflies, Dan & Rosemary Powell and Sussex's Jamie Burston. The presentations were excellent. I was pleased to see a photo of Sussex BC members (including me!) in the talk “Successes for butterflies and moths on BCs nature reserves”. Dan Hoare covered the Duke of Burgundy work that we do in the South East. The last presentation consisted of 3D slide shows of butterflies and moths developing and emerging - a brilliant finale to the day.


David Dennis receives a commissioned work by Richard Lewington
from his colleagues

Dan Hoare

Dan encourages butterfly interest early in his family

donation to BC of £24,764 by Naturetrek Ltd

Sussex BC reserve

Brighton and Hove City Council received a Marsh Christian Trust Award from MCT trustee Peter Titley.
John and Mark Gapper of the City Parks department accepted the award.
Dan Danahar of Sussex BC collaborated with them.

eyes on for the 3D show

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